A not-for-profit corporation delivering a sustainable model of affordable housing and community development in Beer
Our Goals
To create affordable housing for the local community.
To create long-term and affordable rental options.
To help first-time buyers into the property market.
To give the village the opportunity to take ownership of the development and management of its community assets.
Our Rules
Beer Community Land Trust (CLT) was established in 2013 to facilitate the development of affordable housing for local people at 80% of the prevailing market prices.
Its first project was to provide seven affordable homes in the village completed in 2015, and this developed very quickly and efficiently using innovative funding via loans, grants and donations:
£1,000,000 loan from East Devon District Council (EDDC)
£200,000 in grants from the Homes and Communities Agency
£4,000 from local donations
£2,500 from the CLT Network
£1,000 from Devon County Council
£200 prize money from Devon Rural Housing Awards
£140 and rising from membership fees
Councillor Geoff Pook made the provision of affordable homes one of his top priorities after joining EDDC and was instrumental in setting up the Beer CLT. This was recognised in the 2014 Devon Rural Housing Awards where the project was awarded Highly Commended in the Outstanding Community Contribution category. Geoff Pook said, "While we appreciate that Beer is a tourist destination and that tourist income is very important to the village, retaining houses for full-time occupancy by locals is just as important."
Beer CLT’s second project of a further six affordable homes completed in 2023 brings the total to 13 affordable properties.
Complaints policy and service requests (including forms)k
About Beer CLT
Rules of Beer Community Land Trust - .PDF file